From smartphones to personal computers, the internet is now considered the fastest, easiest, and most direct way for marketers to interact with customers. And while digital marketing is indeed an important strategy, many marketers make the mistake of using digital marketing as their sole means of promoting a business or service. In fact, by not utilizing custom digital printing, they are missing out on a guaranteed chance of visibility, as they are a real-time marketing strategy for growing and maintaining a customer base.
Not convinced? Here are 4 proven benefits of custom printing items as a means of effective advertisement:
Advertisement That’s Ongoing
Custom printing merchandise is like a walking billboard: no matter where your printed product goes, it is being seen by potential clients who can readily utilize your company’s contact information for services. This is especially true for printing services such as vehicle wraps. Vehicle wraps are digitally printed logos that are directly transposed onto cars. That means wherever the car goes, the vehicle wraps will go with it, creating an engaging and ongoing means of printed advertising.
Reciprocity Matters
One of the most popular forms of custom printed advertising is via gift items such as t-shirts, pencils, and hats. And the reason for this is simple: people love free stuff. In fact, people love free stuff so much that it increases their likelihood of brand retention. Additionally, promotional items help to establish a positive relationship with clients and customers that will have them remembering your business when they need it most. In fact, a recent study showed that 84% of people remembered a business’ name after receiving a promotional gift.
A Method That Keeps on Paying For Itself
Custom printing services are extremely affordable. In fact, custom printed items such as notepads, pens, and pencils cost very little to produce. In fact, notepads are considered one of the least expensive items to produce. This makes them an economic choice that will continue to sell itself through the promotion of your brand. The same works for more costly printed items, such as vehicle wraps.
Customizable to Your Liking
Custom printing ensures that your brand will look exactly as you want it to. Whether it’s zooming by you in the form of vehicle wraps, or being presented to you on a sheet of paper, your brand will be represented just as you wanted it to be.