Do you create a new landing page every time you launch a marketing campaign? Nearly half of the marketers participating in a recent survey indicated they do this on a regular basis.
As you know, landing pages are integral to lead generation. In addition to promoting your products and services, these pages can also contain social media links, unique SEO content, and special offers, such as complimentary consultations, infographics, and newsletters.
Monthly Visitors and Revenue Goals
How many monthly visitors do you have at your website? Are you receiving less than 10,000? Over 10,000? A recent survey showed that 80% of the companies that aren’t meeting their revenue goals have less than 10,000 visitors a month. For those companies making and exceeding their revenue goals, 70% are receiving over 10,000 visitors. It appears that attracting 10,000 or more visitors per month is the proverbial sweet spot.
Digital Marketing and the Customer Experience
How would you rank your customer experience? If it needs improvement, what steps are you planning to take to enhance it within the upcoming months?
All you have to do is refer to a few surveys with customer experience decision makers to determine the importance of a positive customer experience. It was critical to their success for 90% of these decision makers, and 63% contend it has become even more important to deliver a good customer experience.
In order to create a more-positive customer experience, 63% of the companies surveyed plan to increase their operating budget. In 2014, for example, they spent more than they did in 2013, 2012, and 2011.
Over the past year, both executive dashboards and customer journey mapping were areas of increased focus. The dashboards enable executives to track the effectiveness of their digital marketing campaigns, while the customer journey mapping reveals how customers interact with the site from their initial contact and beyond. These and other activities are integral to determining a site’s performance level.
Customer Perceptions and Mobile-Friendly Platforms
Given that a large percentage of a business’ prospective clients and customers will use mobile devices to access the Internet, your website needs to function well across platforms. A recent survey showed that 48% of mobile users believe a business doesn’t care about them when their website site doesn’t function well on their iPad or smartphone.
Many companies take this situation seriously and are having mobile-friendly websites designed. A recent survey showed that 62% of the companies experienced increased sales as a result.
Anticipating Customer Behaviors
Were you aware that 75% of Internet users never scroll beyond the first page of search results? Furthermore, most users will focus on the organic results rather than the paid ads. Recent figures show that this is true of 70% to 80% of Internet users. Given this, you want to make sure your website appears as close to the top of the first page as possible. How to accomplish this? With search engine optimization and other digital marketing tools.
Something else you may be interested to know is that “blatantly self-promotional” content may not bring you clients. This was indicated by 43% of the participants in a recent survey. Informative content, however, does have a significant impact on vendor preference and selection. The survey showed that 87% of buyers stated it had either a major or moderate impact.
Since you want your digital marketing campaigns to bring you leads and customers, utilizing the services of a website design company makes sense. In addition to creating unique landing pages for each of your campaigns, they can also provide fresh SEO content and other essential services.