Tips to Get the Most From Your Website


Digital marketing solutions

The way we consume internet content is always changing. With services like Twitter, our attention span has decreased dramatically. Nearly 40% of internet users will only wait three seconds before leaving a website if it has not loaded. Once a website has loaded you only have ten seconds to get someone’s attention. We are also accessing online content in new ways all of the time. For sales, 62% of companies report that they see their sales go up when they design a website specifically aimed at mobile users. All of this just increases the importance of you graphic design.

Use images to boost interest.

Respond really well to fresh images on a website. Fresh and new images give your returning visitors something interesting to look at. They can also provide and incentive for new visitors to return to your site and perhaps recommend it to other people or through their social media networks. Another critical piece of this puzzle beyond the freshness of your images is their quality. What you want to do is get yourself a roster of high quality and good images that you update often and can add to your website design.

There are several ways you can obtain the quality images you need. You can hire a photographer to take photos to be used on your site and is a great way to get photos for your use on your site. This can be an expensive option and not everyone has the budget. There are sites that offer free and fair use images that you can use for free. If you are going to use free photos be careful in selecting them.

One fun way to add the images with a slider on your home page. These offer a fun and visually appealing way to showcase your images on your site. These can be a great way to spice up your graphic design on your site.

Vary your font.

Most of websites use the Arial font. There is nothing wrong with this font or its use but if you mix ip the fonts you use, you will create a more visually interesting website. Try to pair different families of fonts. You want to keep using a sans serif for the majority of your text. Consider a serif one for accents or headings. Look at websites of graphic design firms to get ideas for what fonts work in different situations and areas of your website.

Consider using video on your site

In addition to adding images, you can add visually interesting elements by using video. Videos are very popular ways to add excitement to a website. It does not take a lot to add great video to your site. You can put short video of your product or brand. Remember to keel your video short so that it will load without any problems loading and to keep people interested. Ask visitors to do something in the video. Ask them to comment or share with their friends and networks.

Use fun colors.

Add splashes of bright and bold color to add dimension to your website. This does not mean you have to toss out your entire color scheme but you can add elements of a bright color to accents, button and icons. This is another area where you can get inspiration from a graphic design website that you like for your web design. There are always certain colors that are trendy for a while. Use some of them around your site to make it pop more.

Vary your site with icons.

Use icons around your site to make it more visually appealing. Experts at web design companies say that using icons around your site makes it more interesting to visitors. You can find icons that you can download for free from the internet and then integrate them into your custom web design.

Your web design will never be “done.” You should always be on the lookout for new web design ideas. Your website cannot be static and stale if you want to have repeat visitors. Just think about what websites you like to visit and why as you do your general surfing and web use. Keep your mind open to new ideas.




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